venerdì 11 novembre 2016

Speak Up!

Dans le noir..?
This article "Dans le noir" tells about a restaurant in London where you eat in total darkness.
When you enter in the local you not have the telephone or thinghs that to do light, but you can sit at table and you can talk other people.
The restaurant in the dark is an exeperience that to teaches much in ours mode of action and think and it help our to understand the blind people. 

Risultati immagini per dans le noir restaurant

giovedì 3 novembre 2016

Halloween Origins..!!

Halloween was not born in America but has origins in Ireland, when the green Erin was dominated by the Celts.
Halloween is the Celtic New Year.
For the Celts, in fact, the new year didn't begin on January 1st but on November 1st, when the hot season ended and began the cold and darkness season.
The name Halloween is the contract form of All Hallows' Eve, where Hallow is the archaic English word meaning Holy.
Death was the theme of the festival.
The Ireland people put the tourches outside the doors and leave food and milk for the spirits and ghost that visits their families.
In Italy, Halloween is celebrate on Octber 31 in the night, where the children go out to trick or treat.

Halloween carta gratis