giovedì 26 ottobre 2017

Samuel Johnson..!!!

Samuel Johnson was born on 18 September in 1709 and he was a British poet, writer, biographer and lyricist. He was classified like the most important literate of the English history because he invented the first English Dictionary. In 1746 an publishers group proposed to him the creation of the dictionary in three years old. Johnson not finished it in the established time but in nine years old. Despite his difficult study for the lack of  money and his strong the Dictionary was pubblicaded in 1755 on April and the page was hight 46cm and it had a width of 56cm, another the book gathering 42.773 words.


giovedì 12 ottobre 2017

Invictus Games.

The Invictus Games is an international multi-sport event, created by Prince Harry, for disabled and sick people. Sports including wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball and indoor rowing. The first Invictus Games took place in March 2014 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
In 2017 games were held in September in Toronto, Canada and 2018 there been in October in Sydney.
Their "motto" is I AM.

Pink Stinks.

In 50s the color pink was devoted to male children because it is derivative to red, a strong, lively, aggressive color typical of the male character while the blue, quiet and tranquility color, was for females.
Now pink is a color only for girls. Pink Stinks means "il rosa puzza" it is a campeign create of two sister Emma and Aby Moore. They have seen that pink has the absolute monopoly on females and they tried to stop this belief but they didn't succeed.


Zorbing is an extreme sport that consist to rolling in a big transparent plastic sphere down of hill. This sport is created of David and Andrew Akers in 1994. Generally this sport is executed along a relief but it can be made on flat surface too.


The colour Green..!

My favourite colour is Green.
It ralates to balance and harmony. It is the great balancer of the hearth and emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and heart. Green is the color of spring, nature and hope but also of possession and envy. In Ireland the color green is very important because it is the national colour associated with good luck and Saint Patrick's Day.



First Facebook, then Twitter and now Pinterest.
Pinterest is one of the world's most popular social networks. It's a virtual Pinboard where the people use a pin and so they "pin" the notes and photos to the board. The word "Pinterest" ia a combination of "pin" and "interest". Pinterest's mission is to "connect everyone in the world through the things they find interesting". As Facebook and other popular social networs, you can "Like" photos. The difference whit Pinterest is that you use the "Pin It" button. Statistics show that around 1.5 million users are visiting Pinterest and spending at least 15 minutes on the site.


mercoledì 20 settembre 2017

My Surname..!!!

My surname is Dell'Uomo. The origins is not clear and surnames that are similar to Dell'Uomo are:
-Of Man in English that means "from the alder grove"
-De Leon in Spanish refered to someone from the Leon region of Spain.
In Italy there are also 272 family Dell'Uomo especially in Lazio.


The History of Surnames...!!!

For a long time people didn't have family names. People have first name only. This custom slowly change, the Romans introduced a combination of personal and family names. They usually used three names "Prenomen, Nomen and Cognomen". In England people started to use surnames in 13 centuries. Many family names came from jobs like Baker, Cook, Carpenter, Miller show an occupation. People used places for family names like River, Hill are some examples. Other surnames come from personal names, for example Stevenson, Richardason. Lots of Gaelic names are preceded by MC or O' like O'Brien, some surnames from Nicknames. 


giovedì 27 aprile 2017

Social Phobics!!

If you go to Britain you won't find the people are very friendly so you stay quiet.
A recent study has demonstrated that the social phobia has increased and two million people are suffering of excesive shyness. Symptoms are: uncontrollable blushing, physical shaking and anxiety. The condition can be so extreme that suffers cannot bear to hear the phone ring, much less answer it.


giovedì 30 marzo 2017

My Bio Poem!

Bio Poem



Easy, sympathetic and positive

Sibling of

Rosa and Vincenzo

Lover of

Music, books and skateboard.

Who feels

Anxious but positive

Who gives

Love and laughter

Who fears

Insects and dark

Who would like to see

Ligabue, Coldplay, Taylor Lautner

Who lives





venerdì 10 febbraio 2017

Describing a picture..!

In this picture I can see a girl. She is on the beach next to the sea. She is relaxing and probably she is thinking. In the sea is reflected a blue sky with some clouds  . She is wearing  a blue and white dress.
For me this photo represents the peace of  mind and tranquillity.